Have you woken up to a morning under the heavy impact of your dreams? Have you started your days in fear or worry of failure? or have you ever dreamt about your future? Asked yourself, how is it going to be? Did you give it a thought about your plans or prepared a list of priorities that you could make…?
In this life like anyone else, I also have dreams and I feel those are quite unusual for many other to have. Let me share how I have been going through the nights of insomnia, gauging on dreams that keep giving me pain. Sometimes imposing tremendous stress of inadequacy, leading a self-judgment to grasp how could I have done better to fulfil those …
There is a lot to say but I could only brief what I need to tell to the whole world at least to the ones who care… Throughout my life, I have dedicated myself to education, service of humanity and peace building. I thought of others before myself or even my family … My ears witnessed the whisper of many people in my surrounding asking why is it? How are you managing? Why do you put yourself under this much of pressure? Are you the one who will save the world? You are just a teacher! And even more unexpected words …
However, I never ceased and hesitated to perform what I need to do… stepping forward inch by inch within every second … Because I believe the significance of a person is not hidden in his wallet… is not hidden in his position … is not hidden in his intellectual capacity or social capital… But in his heart, in his intentions, in his thought and therefore in his words!
I dream of a greater reward than this world’s ephemeral beauties could facilitate to us. Thus, in exchange, I have to work hard, struggle and spend similar efforts like my colleagues who are sharing the same fate all around the world.
I should accept the fact that I am inspired by a prominent scholar who reminded me to indulge in our own sources that make us better beings and thought me the value of education. Therefore, I got enthusiastic and gradually immersed myself into an education that could equip its students with the sense of knowledge and wisdom.
I used every single opportunity to build goodness in others starting from myself. The first verses revealed in Quran ask us ‘to read, to learn and to have knowledge’ which shed light to my sense of direction. I found myself sailing in the path of seeking knowledge and acting upon … Then, I have come across other verses recommending to think not only for ourselves as individuals but also greater community that we are responsible for, giving examples from the past history, saying saving one comes after saving all of the humanity… Advising us to be cherishers of goodness all around so that we could earn heavens and contentment of God…
I have broadened my horizon, eradicated my selfish thoughts that are limited to myself and my family, replaced them with a more productive thought that embraces and invites others into the valleys of holy scripture advocating to build goodness…
I strongly believe that today’s problems are rooted in three major factors that are ‘ignorance’, ‘poverty’ and ‘conflict’ where ignorance at the core. The solutions prescribed by the enlightenment of verses make sense once understood in total and applied in bite size. We start with education, educated people increase their norms and reach a sustainable social norm where they could easily manage their lives without becoming subject to poverty and oppression. The education with morals gives people an open-mindedness, a sense of tolerance and positive interpersonal relationship skills thus eradicates conflict among each other. If we are seeking peace we must ignite the fire of education in the hearts and minds.
As abovementioned once you analyse and connect the source of problems you would easily observe that such problems could be challenged through education. Mandela says “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can change the world.” He is indeed right! The reforms that have to be brought to humanity shall start through educating young minds.
As an educator, I woke up every day with these sense of feelings that how can we make use of every single second in and out of our classrooms to remind the concept of goodness and sound character, the necessity of education, awareness of self and social responsibilities.
I strongly feel that we can contribute today’s and/or tomorrow’s world more than we presume. Firstly, we should believe in that every single effort towards goodness matters! Regardless of their human potential, any stakeholder who involves in education should be aware of their significance in the life others. Secondly, we need to consistently remind and convince civil service agents and policy makers that investing in education does not only save today but the future as well…Last but not the least is, we have to consider time factor in our dreams that could possibly come true, most elegant works could be moulded into such original shapes after a long process of hard work and great endeavours.
Along with these myriads of thoughts anytime I rest my head on the pillow, despite all difficulties and restricting environmental factors, I keep dreaming as I believe achieving starts with dreaming.
I dream of a future that I would really like to be part of …
I dream of a society that values education, elevated by responsible citizens who are working collaboratively towards the same purpose…
I dream of an environment that nourishes sense of safety, tolerance and understanding of each other…
I dream of a school where all pupils come to learn, to increase their intellectual and social capacity …
I dream of a school where all teachers spend their time to make difference in the lives of their pupils and as well as themselves…
I dream of a school where all teachers build self-confidence in their students and enable them to be autonomous thinkers throughout their life…
I dream of humble teachers try to express the message they need to deliver rather than seeking impression…
I dream of teachers who could see teaching as profession towards building a proper future rather than a source income or a salary oriented job…
I dream of parents who think that cultivating noble character in their children is more important than their grades...
I dream of pupils who are eager to learn, looking in the eyes of teacher to grasp and create the best atmosphere for learning…
I dream of pupils who respect for teachers thus become respected …
I dream of a curriculum which combines science and morals, embedded values to pursue perfection …
I dream of generation to come who will have all of the universally accepted values such as honesty, humbleness, truthfulness and trustworthiness…
I dream … I dream … and I never want to give up on my dreams until they come true…